

The exhibition “Solovki: Winter Light” available at the Presidential Library

17–31 January 2024

From January 17-31, 2024 the Presidential Library hosts the opening of the multimedia exhibition “Solovki: Winter Light”, dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the foundation of the first monastic settlement on the Solovetsky archipelago. This anniversary, in accordance with the decree of the President of Russia, will be celebrated in 2029.

The Presidential Library’s video lecture to spotlight Soviet foreign intelligence in the pre-war and war periods

13 December 2023

The Presidential Library continues a series of lectures dedicated to the professional holiday of employees of state security agencies. The events are held with the participation of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg. Video lecture participants will be able to learn about the most striking, interesting, significant events and operations in the history of special services, and about the specifics of professional activity.

The Presidential Library to open the exhibition marking the 30th anniversary of the Constitution and award the winners of the contest “The Future of the Fatherland in the Hands of a Teacher”

12 December 2023

On December 12, 2023 at 12:00 the Presidential Library will host the opening of the multimedia exhibition “Constitutional Human Rights: From Projects to Practice” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The exhibition has been based on materials from the Presidential Library’s collections and reflects events from the 17th century to the present. The exhibition is organized jointly with the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation.

The exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Constitution opened at the Presidential Library

12–29 December 2023

From December 12 - 29, 2023 the Presidential Library hosted the grand opening of the multimedia exhibition “Constitutional Human Rights: From Projects to Practice” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The exhibition is organized jointly with the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation.

The Presidential Library to host international conferences dedicated to combating COVID-19 and international cooperation in the field of preventing infectious diseases

7–9 December 2023

On December 7, 2023 at 9:30 the annual IV International Conference “Combating New Coronavirus Infection and Other Infectious Diseases”, organized by the Federal Surveillance Service in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor) will be held at the Presidential Library. The event will be running for two days – December 7 and 8.
