Notes on the history of the Zemsky Sobor of Moscow Rus

Stratonov, Irinarkh Arkadievich    
Notes on the history of the Zemsky Sobor of Moscow Rus / IA. Stratonov. - Kazan: Tipo-lit. Imp. University, 1905.-162, [2], VI, III p. ; 24. -
Priority: merit. hordes. prof. D. Korsakov.
On the region. date: 1912.
The baptistery. also in: Uch. app. Kazan. University, 1906, book. 3; 1907, book. 4, 6, 7; 1909, book. 5-6, 8-12.
I. Korsakov, Dmitry Alexandrovich (1843-1919) .1. Power (collection). 2. Electoral system in Russia: history and modernity (collection). 3. Zemsky Sobor - History.
BBC 63.3 (2) 45-33
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher типо-лит. Имп. ун-та
Catalogue object