Трудовая миграция корейского населения в Россию в начале XX в. (Архивные документы)

Трудовая миграция корейского населения в Россию в начале XX в. (Архивные документы)

Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Russian representatives in China and Japan, the Amur Governor-General, the Chief of the General Staff and other officials on the management of the Amur region and Russia's relations with China and Japan: the revolutionary uprising of soldiers of the Chinese garrison in Al -Tour of Anhui province (China); on the armament of Japan and the preparation of its military bases in South Manchuria and North Korea; on the draft budget of Japan for 1908-1909; on the establishment of the Japanese consulate in the city of Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka and the striving of the Japanese to extend their influence to the Kamchatka population; about the desire of the Japanese to include in the district of the Japanese consulate in the mountains. Nikolayevsk-on-Amur in the northern part of Primorsky Region; on the activities of the Japanese society "Toa-Dubunkai" (Society of East Asian Unified Writing); on the awarding of officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for participating in the conclusion of treaties and agreements with Russia and France; about new flights of the Japanese steamship service through the port of Dalny; on the formation in Japan of the "Union of Fishing Industry of the Primorsky Region and the need to limit the predatory fishing of the Japanese in Russian waters, the production of a loan by China in the United States, the alleged state reforms in China, the activities of the Chinese government to combat opecurium in the Ili edge, the Chinese colonization of the right bank the Amur River, the strengthening of the defense of the city of Vladivostok, the navigation of Chinese and Russian ships along the Amur River, the restriction of the employment of Chinese, Japanese and Korean workers in the Amur region, and the reorganization of its management, the development of mining industry in the Primorsky region, the construction of a cableway from the Sucean Coal Mines to the Nakhodka Bay for defense purposes, at the request of Captain Tygerstedt to grant him a concession for the right to exploit forest resources in the area the Gulf of DeKastri and the construction of a railway to it, the rental of a private individual to the island of Karagi off the eastern shores of Kamchatka, with the annex of the island plan; on the leasing of land and fishing areas in the Priamursky Governor-General; The list of cases on the management of the Far East, considered in the Council of Ministers from January 12, 1908 to January 19, 1909. September 5, 1907 - July 22, 1909

Russia. Council of Ministers. Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Russian representatives in China and Japan, the Amur Governor-General, the Chief of the General Staff and other officials on the management of the Amur region and Russia's relations with China and Japan: the revolutionary uprising of soldiers of the Chinese garrison in Al -Tour of Anhui province (China); on the armament of Japan and the preparation of its military bases in South Manchuria and North Korea; on the draft budget of Japan for 1908-1909; on...
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On the application of the Law on June 21, 1910 - On the restriction of the rights of foreign nationals within the Amur and Irkutsk Governor-General and the Trans-Baikal Region; On the restriction of the admission of Koreans and Chinese to work on the Amur, Ussuri, Trans-Baikal and other railways

      Russia. Council of Ministers On the application of the Law on June 21, 1910 - On the restriction of the rights of foreign nationals within the Amur and Irkutsk Governor-General and the Trans-Baikal Region; On limiting the admission of Koreans and Chinese to work on the Amur, Ussuri, Trans-Baikal and other railways. Film 1910-1912.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив

On the approval of the journal of the Committee on the settlement of the Far East on the admission of Koreans to work in the gold mines of the Far East and the conditions for their acceptance into Russian citizenship

      Russia. Council of Ministers On the approval of the journal of the Committee on the settlement of the Far East on the admission of Koreans to work in the gold mines of the Far East and the conditions for their acceptance into Russian citizenship.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив

Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of the Interior: on the employment of workers of Koreans and Chinese workers on coal mines, factory and industrial enterprises; about the organization of the All-Russian Union of Cities of the Department for Supply and Equipment of the Army; on the adoption by the organizational meeting of the consumer society "Self-help" of an anti-government resolution; on the transfer of parts of the Kovno garrison to a region separated from industrial centers; on the insufficiency of apartment salaries for heating and lighting of military premises. 7 May - 27 November

Russia. Council of Ministers. Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of the Interior: on the employment of workers of Koreans and Chinese workers on coal mines, factory and industrial enterprises; about the organization of the All-Russian Union of Cities of the Department for Supply and Equipment of the Army; on the adoption by the organizational meeting of the consumer society "Self-help" of an anti-government resolution; on the transfer of parts of the Kovno garrison to a region separated from industrial centers; on the insufficiency of...
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
