Administrative and territorial division
Administrative and territorial division
Address-calendar of personnel of employees in governmental, public and private institutions of the city of Irkutsk for 1897-98
Address-calendar of personnel of employees in government, public and private institutions of the city of Irkutsk for 1897-98. Category: Irkutsk. A. A. Sizykh,
Иркутская ОГУНБ
The act of delimitation between the Novorossiysk gubernia and Polish Ukraine,
Act of distinction between Novorossiysk province and Polish Ukraine ,. [St.Petersburg: Senate. type., 1781].
Zemsky self-government in the Russian North in the 17th century .. T. 1. Oblast division of the Pomorze; Land tenure and social order; Self-governing bodies
Bogoslovsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1867-1929).
Zemsky self-government in the Russian North in the XVII century .. T. 1: Oblast division of Pomorze; Land tenure and social order; Self-governing bodies.
Moscow: the publication of the Imp. Islands of history and antiquities of the Russian at the Moscow University, 1909-1912. 1909.
Moscow: the publication of the Imp. Islands of history and antiquities of the Russian at the Moscow University, 1909-1912. 1909.
The pious most autocratic ruler of the empire. Catherine the Second .. institutions for the administration of the provinces of the All-Russian Empire
The pious most autocratic ruler of the empire. Catherine the Second .. institutions for the administration of the provinces of the All-Russian Empire.
[Moscow]: [The Senate. type.], [1775].
[Moscow]: [The Senate. type.], [1775].
The case of a new delimitation of the Vilna, Grodno, Minsk and Volyn gubernias, the abolition of the Bialystok reg. and the formation of the Brest Lip.
Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The case of a new delimitation of the Vilna, Grodno, Minsk and Volyn provinces, on the abolition of the Bialystok reg. and the formation of the Brest Lip.
The case of a new delimitation of the Vilna, Grodno, Minsk and Volyn provinces, on the abolition of the Bialystok reg. and the formation of the Brest Lip.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский Государственный Исторический Архив" (РГИА)
The case of a new delimitation of the provinces of Russia
The case of a new delimitation of the provinces of Russia.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
Moscow's curious months for the year 1776, and for all high summers, except simple,
Ruban, Vasily Grigoryevich (1742-1795).
Moscow's curious months for the year 1776, and for all high summers, except simple ,.
[Moscow]: Pecs. under the Imp. Moscow. un-te, [1775].
[Moscow]: Pecs. under the Imp. Moscow. un-te, [1775].
Collection of documents relating to the administrative structure of the North-Western Territory under Empress Catherine II
Collection of documents relating to the administrative structure of the Northwest Territory under Empress Catherine II. Hotel Vilna: Wilen. commis. for parsing the ancient. acts, 1903.
Protest suburban sergeant and Cossacks against the reform in 1765
Telichenko Ivan V.Protest suburban sergeant and Cossacks against the reform in 1765 [Kiev type.GTKorczak-Nowicki, qualification.1888].
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