Petersburg ballet troupe and its role in the formation of Russian art of the XVIII century

Bainova, Tatyana Stanislavovna (candidate of art history).Petersburg ballet troupe and its role in the development of Russian art of the 18th century: Creative and organizational aspects: dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of art history: specialty 17.00.09 / Bainova Tatyana Stanislavovna;[St. Petersburg.humanitarian.University of Trade Unions].- St. Petersburg, 2017. -27 p.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: Ros.Institute of Art History.- List of works ed .: p.26-27 (5 names).- substring.note .. - On the rights of the manuscript..1. The people (collection).2. Year of the theater in Russia (collection).3. Theory and history of art.4. Russian ballet - St. Petersburg, the city - 18 century.- Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 85.335.423я031Source of electronic copy: Ros.Institute of Art History.Site
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