

Pesidential Library tells about Russian Admirals

25 July 2024

On July 28, Russia will celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Navy Day.

For this special occasion, a monument to Admiral Fyodor Ushakov was erected in St. Petersburg. From 1761 to 1766, Ushakov studied at the Naval Cadet Corps and after graduating, he began his service in the Baltic Fleet. He gained valuable experience as an officer and served in various seas where Russia had military fleets or national interests. As commander of the Black Sea Fleet from 1790 to 1798 and the Russian-Turkish squadron in the Mediterranean from 1798 to 1800, Ushakov led five major naval battles without suffering a single defeat.

On the portal, The Presidential Library offers rare books and documents on the history of the Navy, as well as a description of the achievements of great Russian naval commanders. One of these is Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, who described his calling in these words: "My soul and all my fortune are devoted to service ...".

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Day of Chistianization of Rus'. The life and legacy of the Holy Prince Vladimir

25 July 2024

On July 28, Russia celebrates the Day of the Christianization of Rus', which occurred in 988. This date is also a day of remembrance in the Orthodox Church for Prince Vladimir, who is considered equal to the apostles and is known as the christianizer of Russia (circa 960-1015).

The electronic collection of the Presidential Library includes a vast number of materials related to the Christianization of Rus' and Prince Vladimir. These materials include handwritten texts, rare publications, academic research, video lectures, and radio broadcasts that discuss the spread of Christianity in Eastern Europe and the spiritual and political decision made by Prince Vladimir to adopt Christianity for himself and his people.

On the institution's portal, visitors can also explore a virtual tour of the exhibition titled "Keeping the Orthodox Faith: The History of Church Museums," which was launched in St. Petersburg at the historic building where the Presidential Library currently resides. The exhibition commemorates the 1,030th anniversary of the christianization of Rus.

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Presidential Library marks 315th anniversary of Battle of Poltava. Little-known facts about Peter I and Charles XII

25 July 2024

Peter the Great called the victory at the Battle of Poltava "The Great Victory", in which Russia "for the first time demonstrated and realized its strength that had been bound for many centuries." On July 8 (June 27 old style), it will be 315 years since the greatest battle of the Northern War, which took place six miles from the city of Poltava between Russian forces led by Peter I and Swedish forces led by Charles XII.

In the early 18th century, the Swedish army was considered the main military power in Europe. King Charles XII had been spoiled by victories, and was known for his bravery, desire for achievement, and persistence. The Russian Tsar also had these qualities, but at the same time, he was able to "counter Charles's impetuousness with caution, restraint, and careful consideration of each of his actions and plans."

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Marking Day of the Christianization of Russia. Rare documents of Presidential Library tell about Pribce Vladimir

25 July 2024

July 28 is the Day of the Christianization of Rus', which took place in 988. It is also the day when we remember Prince Vladimir, who was equal to the Apostles and christianized Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church says that the more Christianity entered into the hearts and souls of the Russian people, the more grateful they were and the more they revered the name of Prince Vladimir.

According to spiritual writer and historian Nikander Levitsky, in his work "The Most Important Sources for Determining the Time of the Baptism of Vladimir and Russia and Their Data" (1890), in the minds of many Russian people, Prince Vladimir became equal to the apostle Constantine and a participant in the Kingdom of Heaven.


The Presidential Library. How artist Vladimir Mayakovsky became poet

25 July 2024

"Give me new art!" Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote in his famous poem, "Order No. 2 of the Army of Arts". "I want to create socialist art," he said in his autobiography "Myself". And he did create this new socialist art, starting not with poetry but with painting, as his talent for art began to show itself from an early age.

On July 19, we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the poet, playwright, actor, and artist, Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930).His elder sister Lyudmila and his mother, Alexandra Alekseevna, told about his early experiences as an artist. According to their memories, which are described in the book "Mayakovsky: The Poster Artist" (1940), his interest in landscape painting was not typical of him. The portrait was the real passion of the young artist, but even in his earliest sketches, he sharpened portrait features, bringing them to satire and caricature. One of his first cartoons depicted himself as a ten-year-old strongman, who could lift six chairs at once.

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Marking day of the Christianization of Rus'. Memory of Holy Prince Vladimir equal to the Apostles – in rare documents of Presidential Library

24 July 2024

July 28 is the Day of the Christianization of Rus', which occurred in 988. This date is also commemorated in the Orthodox Church as the day of the memory of Prince Vladimir, who is equal to the Apostles (960-1015) and the Saint of Russia.

The Russian Orthodox Church states that the more Christianity entered the flesh and blood of Russian people, the more grateful and reverent they became towards the name of the christianizer of the Russian land. In the minds of not all Russian people, but the best part of them, St. Vladimir's feat made him equal to the apostles and the great Constantine, participants in the kingdom of heaven, as stated by spiritual writer and historian Nikander Levitsky in his work "The Most Important Sources for Determining the Time of the Christianization of Vladimir and Russia and Their Data" (1890).

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Gallery of St. George's Cavaliers of First World War available on Presidential Library's portal

24 July 2024

110 years ago, on July 28, 1914, the First World War began. It was a grandiose event in terms of its scope and consequences. The war claimed millions of lives and led to the collapse of several empires, as well as the formation of new states.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, this war was known as the Great War or the Second Patriotic War. On the portal of the Presidential Library, there is a collection called "World War I (1914-1918)", which includes a card file and gallery of St. George cavaliers from the First World War. These materials were collected by the Trophy Commission and are based on the funds of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops, and Communications Troops.

These unique documents, frontline drawings, and portraits created by artists during the war represent invaluable historical materials.

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Morning Star of Russia. Presidential Library marks day of Holy Princess Olga

24 July 2024

On July 24, 2024, Russia celebrates the memorial day of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, who was christianizd as Elena. She was the first Russian ruler to convert to Christianity.

To learn more about the life of the grand duchess, one can read the rare edition of "The Enlightenment of Russia through Christianity" from 1864, available on the Presidential Library's portal. The authors of this book based their narrative on the memories and quotes of the ancient Russian chronicler and monk of the Kievo-Pechersk Lavra, St. Nestor.

According to legend, Olga was born in the Vybutina village near present-day Pskov from pagan parents. She grew up with pagan beliefs and customs. The book describes Olga as generously endowed with physical beauty, with a bright and penetrating mind, and a kind and loving heart. She was modest and chaste. It was through Providence that she met Prince Igor and became the great Russian princess.

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Integration Forum at Presidential Library

24 July 2024

From September 24 to 26, 2024, the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg will hold an annual Integration Forum to celebrate the 15th anniversary of its establishment. The forum aims to bring together representatives from various fields, including employees from educational and scientific institutions such as libraries, archives, and museums. Members of public associations and organizations at both the federal and regional levels are also expected to attend the event.

At the event, experts will discuss the key aspects of libraries, archives, and museums' work on integrating cultural institutions from the reunited territories into Russia's cultural space. The focus will be on projects aimed at preserving and promoting both tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as on digital transformations of libraries in these regions.

An important part of the discussion will be devoted to training and retraining library specialists, as well as the priorities of the regional network of the Presidential Library and the experience of national libraries in supporting scientific research.

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Crimea was paid in full by Alexander III

24 July 2024

The Presidential Library has published documents confirming that the Russian Empire acquired Crimea from the Ottoman Empire for 233 tons of silver in the form of a peace treaty. This event, known as the Kyuchuk-Kainardji Peace Treaty, took place on July 21, marking the 250th anniversary.

On this day in 1774, representatives of both the Russian and Ottoman empires signed the treaty in the village of Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhy, located on the territory of present-day Bulgaria. The treaty consisted of 28 articles and brought an end to the six-year war between the two empires.

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