Railway.G. 29. 1910. No. 11-12

Railway: a magazine published by the VIII department of the Imperial Russian Technical Society.-St. Petersburg, 1882-1917.-.I. Russian Technical Society.Department (8) .1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPSG. 29. 1910. No. 11-12.- Printing.Shreder, 1910. -51-68 p.: table., Ill., Diagnostal .. -It turns out 4 numbers per month.Contents: a new railway system with a high speed of movement proposed by Augustus Sherl / Ing.K. Tikhomirov.The effect of external air temperature on fuel consumption by steam locomotives and measures to reduce it / V. Fonton.Budgets of Prussian and Swedish official yellow.roads / N. Sytenko.A few words about the operational coefficients on foreign yellow.Roads / Engineer V.A.SOKOVICH.Adriatic yellow.Road, [et al.].- Ex.: Without region..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS
Publisher типо-лит. Шредера

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