Right: week.juridgas..- SPB .. 1910 No. 13. March 28

Right: week.juridgas..- SPB.1910 No. 13. March 28.- [A type.T-Va "Public Use"], 1910. -791-854 STB.: Tab .. -Content: A positive direction in criminal law / [Op.] A. Trainina.A new interpretation of 880 tbsp.mouth.c.court./ [Op.] B. Felonova.Chairman and protection in court / [cit.] P. Sergeich.Nefedyev E.A.: (Obritogol) / [cit.] A. Goyakhbarga.Government actions, [and others].- Bibliogr.in a substrateNote.And in the text off.Articles..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher [Тип. т-ва "Общественная польза"]

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