Владимир [Владимирская губерния]
Владимир [Владимирская губерния]
Vladimir. Bogolyubovo. Suzdal. Yuriev-Polsky
Voronin, Nikolay Nikolaevich
Vladimir. Bogolyubovo. Suzdal. Yuriev-Polsky.
Moscow: Art, 1965.
Moscow: Art, 1965.
Владимирская ОУНБ
Plans for the outposts of the city of Vladimir Vladimir province with the designation and description of nearby buildings, buildings, streets. 1835. Copies. (graphic arts)
Plans for the outposts of the city of Vladimir Vladimir province with the designation and description of nearby buildings, buildings, streets. 1835. Copies. (graphic arts). 1835.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
The plan of the provincial city of Vladimir
The plan of the provincial city of Vladimir. Vladimir: Niva, 2004.
Влaдимирскaя ОУНБ