Speeches in memory of solemn events

Speeches in memory of solemn events

The word on the day of the aochimenitis of his imperial highness, the Blessed Sovereign and the Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich, preached on December 6, 1813 in the Maritime Nikolaev Cathedral, St. Petersburg Theological Seminary by an inspector, county Alexandronevsky School by Rector Archimandrite Feofan

Feofan (Archim.).The word on the day of the aochimenitis of his imperial highness, the Blessed Sovereign and the Grand Prince Nikolai Pavlovich, preached on December 6, 1813 in the Maritime Nikolaev Cathedral, St. Petersburg Theological Seminary by the inspector, county Alexandronevsky School by Rector Archimandrite Feofan.St. Petersburg: St. Synod, 1814.

Word on the birthday of His Majesty, the pious sovereign of the emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, the autocrat of the All-Russian, said SPb.The Spiritual Academy inspector Archimandrite Plato in 1832

Plato (archimandrite).Word on the birthday of His Majesty, the pious sovereign of the emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, the autocrat of the All-Russian, said SPb.The Spiritual Academy inspector Archimandrite Plato in 1832.St. Petersburg: Type.Honey.dep.M-VA internal affairs, [1832].

The word on the day of the namesake of the pious emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, spoken at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra on December 6, 1854, by the rector of the Academy of Sciences, Archimandrite Antony

  Antony (Amfiteatrov, Yakov Gavrilovich, 1815-1879).     The word on the day of the namesake of the pious emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, spoken at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra on December 6, 1854, by the rector of the Academy of Sciences, Archimandrite Antony. Kiev: Univ. type., 1854.