Alexandra Feodorovna (1872–1918)
Alexandra Feodorovna (1872–1918)
Letters from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to Emperor Nicholas II. T. 1
Alexandra Feodorovna (Empress, 1872-1918).
Letters from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to Emperor Nicholas II. T. 1. Berlin: The Word, 1922. 1922.
Letters from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to Emperor Nicholas II. T. 2
Alexandra Feodorovna (Empress, 1872-1918).
Letters from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to Emperor Nicholas II. T. 2.
Berlin: The Word, 1922. 1922.
Berlin: The Word, 1922. 1922.
Alexandra Fedorovna
Kantorovich, VA Alexandra Fedorovna. Leningrad: "Book novelties", [1927].
The day of the wedding of his Imperial Majesty the Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich with her Grand Ducal Highness Princess Alice of Hessen, anointing her with the Imperial Majesty the Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna on November 14, 1894
The day of the wedding of his Imperial Majesty the Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich with her Grand Ducal Highness Princess Alice of Hessen, anointing her with the Imperial Majesty the Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna on November 14, 1894. St. Petersburg: book. mag. "The People's Use," 1894.
About the joyful celebration of the marriage of his Imperial Majesty, the pious sovereign of the emperor and autocrat of the All-Russian Nikolai Alexandrovich with her Imperial Highness, the Grand Duchess Alexandra Fedorovna, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse
About the joyful celebration of the marriage of his Imperial Majesty, the pious sovereign of the emperor and autocrat of the All-Russian Nikolai Alexandrovich with her Imperial Highness, the Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse.
St. Petersburg: Synod. type., 1897.
St. Petersburg: Synod. type., 1897.
The Days of the Sacred Crowning [Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna]
Days of the Sacred Crowning [Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna]. [Moskva]: t-in the breech. A. Levenson, qualification. 1896.
In memory of the sacred crowning of their imperial majesties, the Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich and the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. May 1896
In memory of the sacred crowning of their imperial majesties, the Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich and the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. May 1896.
Odessa: the type. E.I. Fesenko, 1896.
Odessa: the type. E.I. Fesenko, 1896.
Alexandra Fyodorovna during a conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei D. Sazonov, in the park of the Supreme Commander
Alexandra Fyodorovna during a conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs SD Sazonov in the park of the Supreme Commander. Mogilev, 1914.
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna go to the site of the parade of the Cuirassier Regiment
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna are sent to the site of the parade of the Cyrusir regiment.
Gatchina, May 9, 1907.
Gatchina, May 9, 1907.
Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Fedorovna on the balcony of the Imperial Pavilion during the folk festivities on the Khodynka Field
Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Fedorovna on the balcony of the Imperial Pavilion during the folk festivities on the Khodynka Field. Moscow, May 18, 1896.