Theory, history and the current state of vocabulary in Russia
Theory, history and the current state of vocabulary in Russia
On the collection of material for the dictionary of the Russian old-timer population of Siberia
Vinogradov, GS On the collection of material for the dictionary of the Russian old-timer population of Siberia. Irkutsk: B. and., 1924.
The case of dedication to the Minister of Spiritual Affairs and People's Enlightenment of the Former Teacher of the Tiflis Knock School of Prince D. Melikov "Lexicon Russian-Armenian-Georgian"
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of dedication to the Minister of Spiritual Affairs and the People's Enlightenment of the Former Teacher of the Tiflis Knock School of Prince D. Melikov "Lexicon Russian-Armenian-Georgian".
A summary of the rules for compiling a manual dictionary of the current Russian language, with the application of test sheets of the dictionary
Kalaidovich, Ivan Fedorovich (1796-1853). A summary of the rules for compiling a manual dictionary of the current Russian language, with attached test sheets of the dictionary. Moscow: Univ. type., 1826.
Philological research. T. 1. Materials for the dictionary, grammar and history of the Russian language
Grotto, Jacob Karlovich (1812-1893). Philological research. St. Petersburg: Type. Imp. acad. Sciences, 1885.
T. 1: Materials for the dictionary, grammar and history of the Russian language. 1885.
T. 1: Materials for the dictionary, grammar and history of the Russian language. 1885.
Upon the petition of the retired lieutenant Pushenko for issuing him the means to print the Japanese grammar and dictionaries he composed of Russian-Japanese and Japanese-Russian and his appointment as a teacher of the Japanese language
Russia. Council of Ministers
Upon the petition of the retired lieutenant Pushenko to extradite him the means to print the Japanese grammar and dictionaries he composed of Russian-Japanese and Japanese-Russian and his appointment as a teacher of the Japanese language. Film of 1910.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
Denial of "not" in Russian
Chernyshev, Vasily Ilyich. Denial of "not" in Russian. Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1927.
Draft of the Old Russian Dictionary
Larin, Boris Alexandrovich (1893-1964). The project of the Old Russian dictionary. Moscow: publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1936; Leningrad.
Problems of Russian dialectal etymological lexicography
Anikin, Alexander Evgenievich
Problems of Russian dialectal etymological lexicography.
Ekaterinburg, 2000.
Ekaterinburg, 2000.
Diplomatic terminology of the Russian language and its semantization in the educational bilingual dictionary
Nasser Falih Mohsin Nasser (Candidate of Philology). Diplomatic terminology of the Russian language and its semantization in the educational bilingual dictionary. Voronezh, 2013.