Other dictionaries
Other dictionaries
Accurate and Walking Words
Mikhelson, Maurice Ilyich (1825-1903). Accurate and walking words. St. Petersburg: the steamer skoropech. BY. Yablonsky, 1894.
Walking and accurate words
Mikhelson, Maurice Ilyich (1825-1903). Walking and accurate words. St. Petersburg: Type. Acad. Sciences, 1896.
Winged words
Maximov, Sergey Vasilyevich (1831-1901). Winged words. St. Petersburg: А.С. Suvorin, 1899.
The dictionary of the ancient Slavic language, compiled according to the Ostromir Gospel F. Miklosich, A. Kh. Vostokov, I. I. Berednikov and I. S. Kochetov
Starchevsky, Adalbert Vikentievich (1818-1901). Dictionary of the ancient Slavic language, compiled according to the Ostromir Gospel F. Miklosich, A. Kh. Vostokov, I. I. Berednikov and I. S. Kochetov. S.-Petersburg: printing house of AS Suvorin, 1899.
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
Proverbs of the Russian people. T. 1- [2]
Dahl, Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872). Proverbs of the Russian people. St. Petersburg: edition of the Association MO Wolf, 1904; Moscow. Film T. 1- [2].
Белгородская ГУНБ
Proverbs of the Russian people. T. 3- [4]
Dahl, Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872). Proverbs of the Russian people. St. Petersburg: edition of the Association MO Wolf, 1904; Moscow. Film T. 3- [4].
Белгородская ГУНБ
Proverbs of the Russian people. T. 5- [6]
Dahl, Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872). Proverbs of the Russian people. St. Petersburg: edition of the Association MO Wolf, 1904; Moscow. Film T. 5- [6].
Белгородская ГУНБ
Proverbs of the Russian people. T. 7- [8]
Dahl, Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872). Proverbs of the Russian people. St. Petersburg: edition of the Association MO Wolf, 1904; Moscow. Film T. 7- [8].
Белгородская ГУНБ
Dictionary of wrong, difficult and questionable words, synonyms and expressions in Russian speech
Ogienko, Ivan Ivanovich (1882-1972). Dictionary of wrong, difficult and questionable words, synonyms and expressions in Russian speech. Kiev: Book Publishing II Samonenko, 1914.
Brief commercial dictionary
Brief commercial dictionary. Moscow: VKHUTEMAS, 1924.
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