The Presidential Library provides the exhibition marking the anniversary of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation

21 November – 29 December 2023

From November 21 to December 29, 2023, the exhibition “Culture under the auspices of the state: from the Ministry of the Imperial Court to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation” is open in the Presidential Library. The exposition marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.

The department was established on November 15, 1993 by Order of the President of the Russian Federation №735-rp through the transformation of the Main Social and Production Directorate of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and has the status of a federal executive body, led by the head of state.

The exhibition is based on archival documents, drawings, plans, rare book editions of the 19th–21st centuries, photographs, newsreels and other materials from the Presidential Library’s collections and provided by partners. Thanks to these exhibits, the history of the department is revealed to visitors, which dates back to 1826 with the creation of the Ministry of the Imperial Household.

This ministry, subordinate directly to the Russian emperor, was in charge of managing the personal property of the monarch and members of his family, exercising financial control over subordinate institutions; management of imperial palaces, gardens and parks; organization of coronation celebrations; medical care for the royal family and employees of the ministry itself.

Particular attention at the exhibition is paid to supporting cultural, art and scientific institutions. Under the leadership of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, the buildings of the New Hermitage, Alexandrinsky, Mikhailovsky and Mariinsky theaters were built. The Ministry had jurisdiction over the Imperial Theatres, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Academy of Arts, the Court Choir and the Court Orchestra, the Public Library, the Archaeological Commission, the Imperial Porcelain Factory and other institutions. Numerous rare materials presented in the exhibition tell about all of them. These are personal belongings of the stars of the imperial theaters - Anna Pavlova, Matilda, Kshesinskaya, Vaslav Nijinsky; historical photographs of excavations carried out in Kerch by the Archaeological Commission; illustrated publications of the 19th century about the collections of the Hermitage and the Russian Museum. Among the documents presented at the exhibition is the decree of Nicholas I to the Governing Senate, according to which the Academy of Arts was henceforth to “be under the Chief Command of the Minister of the Imperial Household.” In 1850, the Public Library also came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Imperial Household.

In March 1917, the monarchy in Russia was overthrown. The liquidation of the Ministry of the Imperial Household, which controlled institutions and objects recognized as national property, dragged on until 1918.

In March 1919, the process of organizing departments of the secretariat of the Central Committee (Central Committee) of the Russian Communist Bolshevik Party, the highest body of the new political force that led the country, began. As a result of the division of the General Department of the Central Committee, the Administration of the Affairs of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party of the Bolsheviks was created (in 1925–1952 - the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), in 1952-1991 - the Central Committee of the CPSU). It was entrusted with administrative and economic support for the activities of the Central Committee apparatus. Over time, it also began to oversee cultural and educational institutions, but with party specifics. Among them are the central party educational institutions, the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute (now the Center for Comprehensive Social Research of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the Lenin Museum, publishing houses Politizdat and Young Guard, Pravda newspaper, Communist magazine, etc.

The Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation today not only ensures the activities of the head of state and the highest federal authorities, but also provides a wide range of services to the population. It is entrusted with the functions of logistical, financial and economic support, welfare and transport services, organization of medical care and sanatorium-resort treatment. Today, a separate exhibition hall is dedicated to the activities of the department.

The Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation continues the traditions of the Ministry of the Imperial Household and supports cultural and artistic institutions. It is in charge of the State Kremlin Palace, the State Kremlin Orchestra, the world-famous State Academic Beryozka Dance Ensemble, the Center “Russian Crafts”, the Presidential Library and the State Complex “Palace of Congresses”. The main part of the exhibition tells about this area of activity of the Administrative Directorate.

Guests of the Presidential Library will learn a lot of interesting things about other areas of activity of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. For example, about how official state receptions at the highest level are prepared.

To visit the exhibition “Culture under the auspices of the state: from the Ministry of the Imperial Court to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation” one must make an appointment in advance by calling (812) 334-25-14 or emailing at

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