Физическая география

Физическая география

Материалы по теме

The latest and detailed land description of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India, in this state of every state. Part 3

Gaspari, Adam Christian (1752-1830). The latest and detailed land description of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India, in this state of every state. In St. Petersburg: in the printing house of Ivan Glazunov, 1810.
Part 3. 1810.

The latest and detailed land description of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India, in this state of every state. Part 2

Гаспари. Адам Христиан. 1752-1830. Новейшее и подробное землеописание Европы, Азии, Африки, Америки и Южной Индии, в нынешнем каждого государства состоянии. В Санктпетербурге: в типографии Ивана Глазунова, 1810.
Ч. 2. 1810.

The latest and detailed land description of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India, in this state of every state. Part 1

Гаспари. Адам Христиан. 1752-1830. Новейшее и подробное землеописание Европы, Азии, Африки, Америки и Южной Индии, в нынешнем каждого государства состоянии. В Санктпетербурге: в типографии Ивана Глазунова, 1810.
Ч. 1. 1810.

The newest general geography, or the Description of all parts of the world, Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India, according to the latest political division. Part 4. [America]

  Kryazhev, Vasily Stepanovich (1771-1832).     The newest general geography, or the Description of all parts of the world, Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India, according to the latest political division. [America].
Moscow: In the printing house of S. Selivanovsky, 1816. 1816.
