Социально-экономические отношения
Материалы по теме
Instructions for the protection of underground shelters from ground and surface water developed by the Hydraulic laboratory of VNINIDGEO
F. R-309.All-Union Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Research Institute of Water Supply, Sewerage, Hydrotechnical Structures and Engineering Hydroeology (VNINIVDGEO) of the USSR State Construction.Instructions for the protection of underground shelters from ground and surface waters developed by the Hydraulic laboratory of VNINIDGEO.
Heavy tank IP and a table of its tactical and technical characteristics
F. 8752.The heavy tank IP and the table of its tactical and technical characteristics.
The technical project of the Saratov railway line - Stalingrad (Volzhskaya Rokada).Photo album.[1942]
The technical project of the Saratov railway line - Stalingrad (Volzhskaya Rokada).Photo album.[1942].1942.
The telephone message of the Dmitrovsky factory of milling machines M. N. Arnoldi for the People's Commissariat of Economy Bust of the USSR A.I. Efremov about the particularly distinguished plant workers in the work on the implementation of the program for August and overfulfill the assignment to issue M-20 installations
F. 8259.The telephone message of the Dmitrovsky factory of milling machines M. N. Arnoldi for the People's Commissariat of Economy Bust of the USSR A.I. Efremov about the particularly distinguished plant workers in the work on the implementation of the program for August and overfulfill the assignments for the production of M-20 installations in September 1942
The T-34 tank with a tower and a commander’s turret at the landfill of the plant No. 183 named afterComintern
F. 8752.The T-34 tank with a tower and a commander’s turret at the landfill of the plant No. 183 named afterComintern.
The diagram-diagram "Import of the USSR on the most important routes of import"
F. 1458k.The diagram-diagram "Import of the USSR on the most important routes of import."
The reconstruction scheme of the transport hub of the city of Stalingrad (an appendix to the conclusion of the transport group of the expert commission of the USSR State Planning Commission for Fortro -Proprojects of the City Planning)
F. 4372.The reconstruction scheme of the transport hub of the city of Stalingrad (an appendix to the conclusion of the transport group of the expert commission of the USSR State Planning Commission for Fortro -projects of the city planning).
Article of the Director of the Central Scientific and Technical Laboratory of Soyuzvitaminprom V.A. Devyatnin "New Vitamin preparations"
F. R-222.All-Union Scientific Research Vitamin Institute of the Ministry of Medical Industry of the USSR.Article of the Director of the Central Scientific and Technical Laboratory of Soyuzvitaminprom V.A. Devyatnin "New Vitamin preparations".
Inquiries of the head of the department of housing and communal services of the USSR State Planning Commission A. Sharov to the chairman of the State Planning Commission of the USSR N. A. Voznesensky on the course of restoration of a housing stock in areas exempted from German occupation, according to the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR and BSSR on July 1, 1944
F. 4372.Inquiries of the head of the department of housing and communal services of the USSR State Planning Commission A. Sharov to the chairman of the State Planning Commission of the USSR N. A. Voznesensky on the course of restoration of a housing stock in areas exempted from German occupation, according to the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR and BSSR on July 1, 1944