Экономика агропромышленного комплекса. Экономика сельского хозяйства
Материалы по теме
Management of development of the resource potential of regional agriculture
Perepelkin, Ilya G..Management of development of the resource potential of regional agriculture.Kursk, 2018.
Proceedings of the local committees of the agricultural industry needs
Proceedings of the local committees of the agricultural industry needs.St. Petersburg: typography Staff of the Separate Corps of Border Guards of 1903.
Proceedings of the Amur expedition sent on the highest orders. Issue. 5. Colonization significance of agriculture in the Amur region
Amur expedition. 1910. (1910). Proceedings of the Amur expedition sent on the highest orders. St. Petersburg, 1911-1913. Вып. 5: Colonization significance of agriculture in the Amur region. 1911. |
Transformation of economic ways in Russian village
Fadeeva, Olga Petrovna.Transformation of economic ways in the Russian village.Novosibirsk, 2013.
Statistical reference book on the agrarian issue.League of agrarian reforms.Series A. Issue.2. Agriculture
Statistical reference book on the agrarian issue.Ext.2: Agriculture.[1918].
Formation and development of peasant (farmer) economies in agrarian production of the Kursk region in the late XX - early XXI centuries
Mikhailov, Alexander Nikolaevich. Formation and development of peasant (farmer) economies in agrarian production of the Kursk region in the late XX - early XXI centuries. Kursk, 2011. |
Reference leaflet of the Minsk Agricultural Syndicate
Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadevich (1862-1911).
A reference sheet of the Minsk Agricultural Syndicate. 1901. |
Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the innovative development of agriculture of the region (based on the materials of the Chechen Republic)
Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the innovative development of agriculture of the region (based on the materials of the Chechen Republic).2019.
Improving the mechanism of state regulation of agriculture in the region
Improving the mechanism of state regulation of agriculture of the region.2012.