Издательское дело
Материалы по теме
Textbooks on the history of Russia
Textbooks on the history of Russia. St. Petersburg: The Presidential Library, 2009. |
Centenary of the printing house of the Penza province government
Popov, Vladimir Pavlovich. The centenary of the printing house of the Penza province government. Penza: Typography of Provincial Government, 1904. |
Collection and development of statistical information on book publishing and periodicals in Russia
Lisovsky, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1854-1920).
Collection and development of statistical information on book publishing and periodicals in Russia. St. Petersburg: "Vladimirskaya" steam typo-liter., 1896. |
A Collection of Legislation and Orders of the Government on Press Affairs
Varadinov, Nikolai Vasilyevich (1817-1886).
Collection of legal acts and orders of the government for the press. St. Petersburg: Type. Retger and Schneider, 1878. |
Collection of resolutions and orders on censorship from 1720 to 1862
Collection of resolutions and orders on censorship from 1720 to 1862. St. Petersburg: in the Type. The Naval Ministry, 1862. |
The role of PI Jurgenson in the development of Russian musical culture in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Logacheva, Natalia Vyacheslavovna. The role of PI Jurgenson in the development of Russian musical culture of the second half of the XIX-early XX centuries. Moscow, 2017. |
Draft Charter on book printing
Draft Charter on book printing. Sankt-Petersburg: In the type. imp. Acad. Sciences, 1862. |
Provisions on the Printing Office of the II Department of the Own EI V. Chancellery 4 Jan. 1845
Provisions on the Printing Office of the II Department of the Own EI V. Chancellery 4 Jan. 1845 year. - S. Petersburg, 1845. |
Letter from Count A. Uvarov, Chairman of the Moscow Archaeological Society, to Aleksandr Petrovich Tolstoy with a petition for awarding the following rank of Inspector of the Moscow Synodal Printing Office of the collegiate adviser V. E. Rumyantsev; with
Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907). Letter from Count A. Uvarov, Chairman of the Moscow Archaeological Society, to Alexander Petrovich Tolstoy with a petition for awarding the following rank of Inspector of the Moscow Synodal Printing Office of Collegiate Adviser V. E. Rumyantsev; with the request to send to the [Porecsk] library the missing issues of the journal of the Ministry of Public Education. |
Correspondence with the Russian-Asian Bank in Harbin, the Ussuri Railway Agency, commercial attaches of various countries in Shanghai and other institutions and individuals, and clippings from foreign and Russian emigre newspapers with reviews of the jour
Ryabikov Pavel Fedorovich, general, professor of the General Staff Academy. Correspondence with the Russian-Asian Bank in Harbin, the Ussuri Railway Agency, commercial attaches of various countries in Shanghai and other institutions and individuals, and clippings from foreign and Russian emigre newspapers with reviews of the Economic Review magazine. Correspondence with various editions on the exchange of publications. |