Benckendorfs.Alopeus.Shuvalovs.Benkendorf Alexander Konstantinovich, Count, Ambassador to Denmark, England.18 ??-1916.Benkendorf Konstantin Konstantinovich, father of A.K. Benkendorf, a military agent in Berlin, a messenger at the Württemberg court.1817-1858.Benkendorf Konstantin Khristoforovich, grandfather A.K. Benkendorf, Adjutant General, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828, Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829.1785-1828.Alopeus Maxim Maksimovich, relative of Benkendorf, a messenger in Berlin.1748-1822.Shuvalov Petr Pavlovich, justice of the Uman district of the Kyiv province.1819-1901."Illustrirtes Familienbuch Zur Unterhaltung and Belehrung Hauslicher Kreise ...".