Society and Mass Media: South Korea and India launched new applications about Russia

28 September 2012

September 26, 2012 within the framework of the international project of "Russian newspaper» Russia Beyond the Headlines (RBTH) are launched two new applications for Russia – in the South Korean newspaper "Jungang Ilbo" and the Indian "Navbharat Times".

The pilot issue of the 8-band application of «Russia Focus» in Korean was published in one of the most important newspapers in the Republic of Korea "Jungang Ilbo" with a circulation of 1.3 million copies. Topics of the first issue are the last APEC summit, prospects for South Korean car manufacturers in the Russian market after Russia's accession to the WTO, the relationship between Russia and the DPRK, tourism, etc.

"The emergence of an informational ground showing significant events in Russian life and the "Russian view" to the international developments, in our view, should be popular among Korean readers. The newspaper tab in Korean - perhaps the first "information window to Russia", the South Korean press, comprehensive and current source of information about our country", - said the head of the project RBTH, Deputy Director General of FGBU "Russian Newspaper" Eugene Abov.

Another new application is published in one of the largest Indian newspaper "Navbharat Times". «Russia and India Business Report» of 4 strips is originally published in Hindi. The circulation of the new tab is 450 thousand copies.

"More than 5 years we are preparing a special section about Russia' in the Indian English-language newspaper «The Economic Times». Thanks to the new product, we will have access to those readers in India for whom newspapers in Hindi are more comfortable, - explains executive editor of Asian and Indian editions Constantine Fez. - In the first issue are published articles on Russian-Indian cooperation, the forthcoming visit of President V. V. Putin to India and the launch of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant, built by the Russian project".