The report of the Tambov provincial Zemstvo administration to the provincial Zemsky Assembly ... [The next session of 1896].[On ...

Tambov lips.Zemskaya godsThe report of the Tambov provincial Zemstvo administration to the provincial Zemsky Assembly ... - Tambov.-In terms of ed.stoodJoint.change;In terms of ed.Stall: Reports ....I. Tambov lips.Zemstvo Collection.1.Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Tambov o'DB[The next session of 1896]: [on the issue of the participation of the provincial land in the dissemination of the lower folk education: with adj.].- lips.Zemskaya type., [1896].-83 s.: Tab .. -.1. Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Tambov o'DB
Publisher Губ. земская тип.

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