
Education: magazine for parents and mentors: 1-7.- Moscow: A. Chumikov, 1857-1863.-SONG: 1857-1859 Guide for parents and mentors.Place ed.: 1857-1860 St. Petersburg;1861-1863 M.Publishing house: 1857-1862 A. Chumikov;1863 F. Caerizer.No. 1-3 tons. 13th 1863 came out 2nd ed.in total.oblastNo. 12 of 1863 ed.stopped.Titched: 1857-1859 Magazine for education;1860-1863 Education..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen
Publisher А. Чумиков

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