Stavropigial Nikolsky Marine Cathedral (St. Petersburg, Kronstadt).Marble boards with the names of the officers of the maritime ...

Chienok, Alexander Evgenievich (1955).Stavropigial Nikolsky Marine Cathedral (St. Petersburg, Kronstadt).Marble boards with the names of the officers of the maritime department who died in battles and in the performance of their official debt.[2]: [Photo] / Photo by A. E. Chizhenka.- Electronic data (1 file, JPEG: 4.5 MB).-Kronstadt, April 5, 2014. -Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title from the accompanying document.Photograph information provided by the author.Shot Date: 04/05/2014.Place of shooting: Kronstadt.Copying users are not allowed..1. Territory (collection).2. The territory of Russia: St. Petersburg, city (collection).3. Kronstadt, city (St. Petersburg, city) - photos.4. Documentary photos.BBK 63.3 (2-2-2B) 64Y611Electronic copy source: from a private meetingPlace of storage of the original: from the private meeting
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