Russian Repertory Drama Theater in the Context of the Modern Social and Cultural Situation: Organizational and Creative Aspects

Frolova, Nadezhda Leonovna (Ph.D. in Art; 1986).
Russian repertoire drama theater in the conditions of a modern sociocultural situation: organizational and creative aspects: the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of art criticism: specialty 17.00.01 / Nadezhda Frolova; [Rus. un-t theater. Art-GITIS]. - Moscow: [b. and.], 2017. -27 p. ; 21 cm. -
Location: Ros. un-t theater. Art-GITIS. - Authors list of works: p. 27 (4 titles). - Bibliogr. in a word space note.
. -100 copies .
I. Russian State University for the Humanities. The people (collection). 2. Year of theater in Russia (collection). 3. Drama Theater Russian - 20 - 21 centuries. 4. Theater - Repertoire - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBK 85.334.3 (2) 64я031
BBK 60.524я031
Source of electronic copy: Russian Institute of Theatrical Art - GITIS. Site
Publisher [б. и.]
Catalogue object