Linguistic analysis Kalmyk copyright documents middle of the XVIII century

Kokshaeva Nina OvshinovnaLinguistic analysis Kalmyk copyright documents middle of the XVIII century on the material of the letters of the Kalmyk Khan Donduk-Dashi: abstract dis.... The candidate of philological sciences: 10.02.22 / Kokshaeva Nina Ovshinovna;[A protection Place: Kalmyts.state.Univ].- Elista, 2013. -30 to .. -.1. Donduk-Dashi (Khan; 1690-1761).2. The area (collection).3. The people (set).4. Languages ​​peoples of foreign countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, natives of America and Australia.BBK 81.643-03ya031electronic copy Source: Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences.Site
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