Socio-pedagogical concept of social orphanhood prevention: theoretical and methodological foundations, methodology and technolog...

Yudin, AnnaSocio-pedagogical concept of social orphanhood prevention: theoretical and methodological foundations, methodology and technology: monograph / AIYudin, ELKudrin;M-Ros in culture.Federation, the Feder.state.budget.obrazovat.institutions of "Kemer. State. Univ of culture and arts."- Kemerovo Publishing House KemGUKI, 2013. -313, [1] s.: Yl, col..yl.;20 cm .. -Bibliogr .: p.191-220 (396 references.) And in footnotes.Note..-500 copies.-ISBN 978-5-8154-0274-4.I. Kudrin, Catherine Leonidovna.1.People (collection).2. Social orphans - Prevention - the Russian Federation.3. Children without parental care - Parenting.4. Theory, a technique and organization of welfare activity.BBK 67.404.55ya031BBK 60.542.14ya031an electronic copy of Source: Moscow State Pedagogical University.Website
ISBN 978-5-8154-0274-4
Publisher Изд-во КемГУКИ
Catalogue object