Methods of teaching calligraphy

Evseev, NEMethods of teaching calligraphy: A practical guide for teachers, teachers' colleges and seminaries / NEEvseev, teacher Moscow.Teachers Institute.- 7th ed.-Moscow: Univ.Trading house Dumnov Klotchkov, Lukovnikov and K ° below by VVDumnov - "Heirs br Salayeva.", 1913. -V, with 153, 37..yl .. -Recommended programs parochial schools (approved by. The definition of St. Synod on 20-27 May 1903 for the number 2318).It recommended as a manual for teachers of military educational institutions.(Ratio Ch. Ex. Mil. Uch. Head. For № 21125).Esp.Dep.Scientists.Com.M wa bunks.Pros.allowed to teach.Library of all the lower schools, and also to use as a teaching tool the text and footnotes.Note..1. Russian (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSU
Publisher Изд. Торгового дома Думнов, Клочков, Луковников и К° под фирмой В.В. Думнов - "Наследники бр. Салаевых"