The art of recitation.Vol.2. Speech Technology

Serezhnikov, Vasilyart art of reading: A guide for readers, storytellers, actors, poets, speakers, singers, composers and speakers / Prof.Basil Serezhnikov.- Moscow;Petrograd: [B.and.] 1923-1924.-.1. Russian (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSUVol.2: Speech Technology: With adj."Scientific substantiation of the correct formulation of voice for singing and speech," prof.FFZasedateleva.- Moscow.Acad.Publishing House "MAKIZ", 1924. -144 p.: Silt, Table .. the text and footnotes.Note .. - Copy .: no region, with Manuscript..Litter., def .: p.81-94 absent with.143 is torn..I. assessors F.F..1.Russian (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSU
Publisher Моск. акад. изд-во "Макиз"