Protection of spouses, terminating marriage: Legal Nature, Forms and Means

Izmailov, Vitaly ViktorovichProtection of the rights of spouses terminating marriage: Legal nature, forms and means: the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of law: specialty 12.00.03 / Izmailov Vitaly Viktorovich;[All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia)].- Moscow, 2019. -23 s .. - -Place of protection: All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia).- List of work Avt.: With.20-22 (27 Names.)..-100 cop..1. People (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Civil law;entrepreneurial law;family law;International private law.BBK 67.404.52Я031BBK 67.404.51Y031Source of an electronic copy: VGU (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia).Site
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