On the transformation of Malomarese and Bolsherazensky rural settlements, Mokshalesi and Broad-Maresovsky rural settlements of t...

On the transformation of Malomarese and Bolsherazensky rural settlements, Mokshalesi and Broad-Maresovsky rural settlements of the Chamsinsky Municipal District of the Republic of Mordovia, Malomaresevsky and the Bolsherazensky village councils, Mokshalesian and Broadcases, the CHAMZIN District of the Republic of Mordovia, on the change in the borders of the administrative-territorial units of the Chamsinsky district of the Republic of Mordovia and on amending someLaws of the Republic of Mordovia: The Law of the Republic of Mordovia dated 05/17/2018 No. 52-s.- Electronic text data (20 files).- (Moscow: Glavnivs UDP RF, 2018).-Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.StoodFrom the title page.Electronic version: Law of the Republic of Mordovia dated 05/17/2018 No. 52-З "On the transformation of Malomarese and Bolsherezensky rural settlements, Mokshalesian and Broad-Serasevsky rural settlements of the Chamsinsky Municipal District of the Republic of Mordovia, Malomaresevsky and Bolsheresa villagers, Mokshalesian and Broadcases of the Chaszinsky district of the Republic of Mordovia, about changeThe boundaries of the administrative-territorial units of the Chamsinsky district of the Republic of Mordovia and the amendments to some laws of the Republic of Mordovia. ".Electronic Source: PB