Problems of the methodology for restoring and exposing the ruined monumental painting (on the example of Novgorod monuments)

Fedorenko, Tatyana KonstantinovnaProblems of the restoration and exposure methodology of the ruined monumental painting (on the example of Novgorod monuments): the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of art history: specialty 17.00.04 / Fedorenko Tatyana Konstantinovna;Russian State Pedagogical University.A.I.Herzen.- St. Petersburg, 2015. -21 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: with.20-21 (10 Names.)..-100 cop..1. People (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. The territory of Russia: Novgorod region (collection).4. Fine and decorative and applied art and architecture.BBK 85.101-1YA031BBK 63.48 (2rd-4nov) -428Y031BBK 79.0Y031Electronic source: RGPU.Site
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