Activities of the Kuibyshev Studios of Fastingics and Cinema Service of the Middle Volga population during the Great Patriotic W...

Breeders, Vasily VasilievichThe activities of the Kuibyshevsky studio of newsreels and cinema service of the Middle Volga population during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.02 / breeders Vasily Vasilievich;[Place of protection: Udmurt.state.un-t].- Izhevsk, 2017. -22 p.;21. -Bibliography: p.19-22 (30 names) and in the tune.Note..1. Power (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Domestic history.4. Art.Art of art-cinema art-chronicle-documentary cinema-the history of chronicle-documentary cinema-images.Topics.Plots.-- Russian Federation.5. History.Historical sciences-the USSR-the Great Patriotic War-1941-1945-culture.Ideology.Life.Culture.BBK 85.373 (2ros-4sam) 6l.y031BBK 63.3 (2ros-4sam) 622-7ya031Source of electronic copy: UDSU.Website
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