Humorous almanac.[1906].Ext.25. No. 59. Listopad

Coming almanac: Polit.Journal.With caricatures for the anger of the day.-St. Petersburg: Bogelman, 1905-1911.-Subtit.: 1906 Issue.16 (No. 50) - 1906/1907 No. 19 (issue 88), 1907/1908 No. 17 (issue 138) - 22 (issue 143), 26 (issue 147), 29 (issue 150) - 49 - 49 - 49 - 49 - 49Weekly.Journal.with caricatures (with insignificant changes);1906/1907 No. 21 (Issue 90)-1907/1908 No. 16 (issue 137) Polit.Journal.with caricatures on the anger of the day (on the region: weekly. Zhurna. With caricatures);1909/1910 No. 2-28 of the Parody newspaper for all;1909/1910 No. 30 Winged newspaper Parody All-Russian.festival of aeronautics and universal aviation;1910/1911 No. 1-10 weekly.ed.;1910/1911 No. 11-23 ill.Zhurna.-Chrestomatiy foreign.and Russian humor of all time;1910/1911 No. 40-43 weekly.humorous.Journal.Publishers: 1906 issue.3 [No. 30]-5 [No. 32], 6 [No. 37], 7 (41)-11 (No. 45), 1909/1910 No. 30, 1910/1911 No. 18-23, 40-43 Bogelman;1906 issue.13 (No. 47) - 1909/1910 No. 28, 1910/1911 No. 1-17 M. Lakshin.From 1905 to No. 9 1910, each number of a journal., In addition to the general plug., Had a second head: kiss, throws, white nights, and others. In the part of the numbers, the total plug.missing.Kupol.: 1905 No. [1, 4, 12, 15-19, 21-23], 26-27, 1906 No. [33-35] plug.missing;1906 issue.1 [No. 28] - 5 [No. 32], 6 [No. 37], 7 [No. 41] - 1910/1911 Coemic almanac;1906 No. 39-40 Humorous collection..1. satirical periodicals (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History[1906].Ext.25. No. 59: leaf fall: weekly.Journal.With caricatures.- Type of.T-va "Folk benefits", [1906].-16 p.: il., table .. -.1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
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