Ensuring the economic security of the state based on the improvement of structural policy

Topolsky, Ruslan AkhtamovichEnsuring the economic security of the state based on the improvement of structural policy: an abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Topolsky Ruslan Akhtamovich;[Tambov State University.G.R.Derzhavina].- Tambov, 2015. -23 p.: silt.;21. -Bibliography: p.23 (8 names)..-150 copies.Ex..1. Power (collection).2. Economics and management of the national economy.BBK 65.9 (2ros) -983y031BBK 65.9 (2ros) -11ya031Source of an electronic copy: Tambov GU.Website
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