The word of the plowmen of the war

The word of the plowmen of the war: a collection [Memoirs of front -line soldiers - natives of Tatarstan] / Authors -compilers: A. Malov, R. Garaev.- Kazan: LLC "World without Borders", 2022. -231 p.: il., Portra .. -The cover indicates the author: Alexander Malov..-300 copies.-Isbn 978-5-6046375-1-7.I. Malov, Alexander Mikhailovich (1926-).II.Garaev, p..1.The memory of the Great Victory (collection).2. People (collection).3. The Great Patriotic War - Heroes and Heroism - Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - 1941 - 1945 - Memories, Notes, etc. ..BBK 63.3 (2) 622u14Electronic copy source: from a private assemblyOriginal storage location: from a private meeting
ISBN 978-5-6046375-1-7
Publisher ООО "Мир без границ"
Catalogue object