On the number of deputies and the term of office of the representative body of the first convocation, the procedure for the elec...

On the number of deputies and the term of office of the representative body of the first convocation, the procedure for the election, powers and term of office of the first chapter of the newly formed in the Makaryevsky municipal district in the Kostroma region of the municipality with the status "rural settlement": the Law of the Kostroma Region dated 16.07.2018 No. 406-6-6-6-6-6-6--Zako.- electronic text data (3 files).-(Moscow: Glavnivz UDP of the Russian Federation, 2018).-Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: The Law of the Kostroma Region dated 16.07.2018 No. 406-6-ZKO "On the number of deputies and the term of office of the representative body of the first convocation, the election, authority and term of powers of the first chapter of the newly formed in the Makaryevsky municipal district in the Kostroma region of the municipality fromstatus "rural settlement"..Electronic copy source: PB

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