On the establishment of the size of the sanitary protection zone of property complexes: OJSC "Ufaleinikel" (the main industrial ...

On the establishment of the size of the sanitary protection zone of property complexes: OJSC "Ufaleinikel" (the main industrial site No. 1, including the slag dump and the territory of the capital construction department (OKSA) ‚site No. 3 (VIT-VITS (VST); branch" Yuzhno-UralskoyeProduction department "OJSC" Uralnergotsvetmet ", located on the main industrial site No. 1 of OJSC" Ufaleinikel ", in the city of Verkhny Ufaly of the Chelyabinsk Region": Resolution of the Main State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 07.24.2017 No. 100. - Electronic text data (10File). -(Moscow: Glavnivz UDP of the Russian Federation, 2018). -Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 07.24.2017 No. 100 "On the establishment of the size of the sanitary protection zone of property complexes: OJSC" Ufaleinikel "(main industrial site No. 1, including the slag dump and the territory of the base of the capital construction department (OKSA)‚Site No. 3 (the workshop workshop (VST); branch" Yuzhno-Ural production department "OJSC" Uralnergotsvet ", located on the main industrial site No. 1 of OJSC" Ufaleinikel ", on the territory of the city of Upper Ufaly of the Chelyabinsk region"..Electronic copy source: PB

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