On the Public Chamber of the Murmansk Region

Murmansk region.Laws.On the Public Chamber of the Murmansk Region: the Law of the Murmansk Region dated July 6, 2017 No. 2159-01-ZMO: adopted by the Murmansk Regional Duma on June 29, 2017.- Murmansk, 2017. -12 sheets.-At the end of the text: Governor of the Murmansk region M.V. Kovtun.Date of signing: July 6, 2017.Electronic version of the right act (12 files, JPEG: 14 MB).Published on the official portal of the Government of the Murmansk Region.The government of the Murmansk region, the official portal: https://gov-murman.ru/..I. Murmansk region.Duma. 1.The Public Chamber of the Murmansk Region - legal acts.2. Power (collection).3. Territory (collection).4. Territory of Russia: Murmansk region (collection).5. Murmansk region: pages of history (collection).BBK 67.401.061.2 (2ros-4mur) K124Electronic copy source: PB
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