Dynamo.G. 3. 1931. No. 22 (58).November

Dynamo: two -year.The internal sports journal of the All-Ukrainian Council and the Board of the Kharkov Proletarian Sports Sports Sports Office of Dynamo / Editorial Coast: Otv.Ed.I'M IN.Written et al. - Kharkov: All -School.Council and Board of Khark.Front "Dynamo", 1929-1933.-.I. Written, Y.V .. II.Dynamo, Kharkov Proletarian Sports Ok.Governing body.III.Dynamo, Kharkov Proletarian Sports Ok.All -Ukrainian Council. 1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Ban RASG. 3. 1931. No. 22 (58).November: Internal Sports Journal: All -Sword.Council and Board of Khark.Passing.sport.Froke Dynamo.- All -haired.And Khark.Tips span.sport.Odn Dynamo, 1931. -14, [2] p.: silt .. -On the region: 22.It turns out twice a month.Ex.: With a handle.litter..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Ban RAS
Publisher Всеукр. и Харьк. Советы пролет. спорт. о-ва "Динамо"

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