On approval of the Regulation on the Commission on the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Scientific Organizations subordinate t...

On approval of the Regulation on the Commission on the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Scientific Organizations subordinate to the Federal Agency for Forestry, performing research, development and technological work of civilians, and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific organizations subordinate to the Federal Agency for Forestry, who performed the research, experimental and technological work of civil purposes: Order of the Federal Forestry Agency dated December 15, 2014 No. 443. - Electronic text data (8 files).-(Moscow: Glavnivz UDP of the Russian Federation, 2018).-Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: Order of the Federal Forestry Agency dated December 15, 2014 No. 443 "On approval of the Regulation on the Commission on the Establishment of the Effectiveness of Scientific Organizations subordinate to the Federal Agency for Forestry, performing research, development and technological work of civil purposes, and assessment methodsThe effectiveness of the activities of scientific organizations subordinate to the Federal Agency for Forestry, performing research, development and technological work of civil purposes. ".Electronic copy source: PB

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