Estimate ... of the Ministry of the Interior .... for 1896 ... income, expenses and special funds

Estimate ... of the Ministry of the Interior ...For 1896 ... income, expenses and special funds.- Type.M-vr.cases, 1895. -[4], III, III, [1], 87, 37, [1], V, XV, 149, [1], 68, [1], V, XXIV, 311, [2] [2], III, 421, [1], IV, 256 p.: table .. -Each estimate and applications have a department.Tit.l.Ex.: Without region., With a handle.litter..1. Power (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
Publisher Тип. М-ва внутр. дел

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