Statistical collection of the Ministry of Railways.Ext.38. Information about the internal water and highways of the message for ...

Russia.The Ministry of Railways.Statistical collection of the Ministry of Railways.- St. Petersburg: [B.I.], 1877-1920.-Plug.: Issue.[1] (1877) - 144 (1915) Statistical collection of the Ministry of Railways;Ext.145 (1919) - 148 (1920) Statistical collection of the People’s Commissariat of Railways..1. Power (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: St. Petersburg State UniversityExt.38: Information about the internal water and highways of the message for 1893 / stat.Dep.M-on the routes of communication.-, 1895. -[2], II, II, XXXVIII, 30, 27, 55, 235, 73, 107, 51, [1], 26, 62, 13, 21, 10 p.: table .. -.I. Russia.The Ministry of Railways.Statistical department 1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS
Publisher тип. бр. Пантелеевых

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