Gender inculturation in modern Russian society (based on the material of male militarized and female gymnasium education)

Klimenko, Natalya SergeevnaGender inculturation in modern Russian society (based on the material of male paramilitary and female gymnasium education): Author of Dis.On Sooisk.Uch.step.Candidate of Culturology: Specialty / Klimenko Natalya Sergeevna;[Place of protection: FSBEI in the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture].- Kemerovo, 2019. -25 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: P.22-25 (26 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Theory and history of culture (cultural studies).BBK 60.542.2y031BBK 74.200.266ya031Electronic copy source: KemSU.Website
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