
Pershina, Elena YuryevnaForeign languages ​​in the history of intercultural communication of Russia: Author of Dis.On Soi.Uch.step.Candidate of Culturology: Specialty / Pershina Elena Yuryevna;[Place of protection: Farwall.Feder.un-t].- Vladivostok, 2016. -27 p.;21 cm .. -Biblio: p. 24-25 (28 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Russian language (collection).3. Theory and history of culture.4. Philological sciences.Fiction - linguistics - Indo -European languages ​​- Slavic languages ​​- East Slavic languages ​​- Russian language - history of language - the relationship of this language with other languages.5. Philological sciences.Fiction - linguistics - general linguistics - general theoretical problems - the development of language - the interaction of languages.6. Sociology - social institutions - the sociology of the spiritual development of society - the sociology of language.BBK 81.006.3y031BBK 81.2/8 (2ros) I031BBK 60.562.5y031Electronic copy source: FEFU.Website
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