Buryatia remembers its heroes: materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on the 70th anniversary of Victor...

Buryatia remembers its heroes: materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (Ulan-Ude, May 29, 2015) / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia, Buryat Stateuniversity;[Scientific editors N. S. Baikalov, N.V. Tsyrepilov;preface by V.V. Nomogoeva;Introduction of N.V. Tsyrepilov].- Ulan -Ude: BSU Publishing House, 2015. -605: Territory Licensed Agreement No. B 8 on the grant of the right to use works from "31 January" 2020. Appendix to contract No. B 8 dated 31.01.2020..Electronic copy source: NB Rep.Buryatia
Publisher Улан-Удэ : Издательство БГУ

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