Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front commander of the 51st Army V.N.Lviv, commander of the 44th Army A.N.Pervushin...

Title Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front commander of the 51st Army V.N.Lviv, commander of the 44th Army A.N.Pervushin and commander of the Black Sea Fleet F.S.Oktyabrsky with the text of Order No. 091/OP of January 8, 1942 on the continuation of hostilities for mastering the cities of Taganrog, Bakhchisaray, Simferopol, to destroy the Crimean enemy group.A copy on the form.January 8, 1942
Dates 8 января 1942 г.
Notes CA MO RF.F. 48a.OP.3412ss.D. 777. L. 33-37.
Text language Русский
Call number ЦА МО РФ. Ф. 48а. Оп. 3412сс. Д. 777. Л. 33-37
Original location Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
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