A collection of materials on military shipbuilding.7. Damage received by the cruiser "Kirov" when undermining on a mine

A collection of materials on military shipbuilding.- [1944-1947].-Moscow ;Leningrad, [1944-1947].- 25 x 16.5 cm. -.1. Power (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: VMA7: damage received by the cruiser "Kirov" when undermining on a mine / center.Scientific and slander.Institute of War.Shipbuilding of the Navy.- Moscow: Military.Publishing House of Mr. Armed.Forces of the Union of SSR, 1946. -52, [1] p.: Il.;25.5 x 17 cm. -Ex.No. 339.Bibliogr.in the text.- Ex.: With a manpower.litter..I. "Kirov", cruiser.II.Central Scientific Research.Institute of War.Shipbuilding of Navy 1.Power (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: VMA
Publisher Воен. изд-во М-ва вооруж. сил Союза ССР

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