Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878 Gg. assessments of Russian and English periodicals

Kosarev, Sergey Ivanovich
Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878 Gg. assessments of Russian and English periodicals: synopsis of the DIS. ... PhD: 07.00.02, 07.00.03/Kosarev Sergey Ivanovich; [Place of protection: Brjan. State University IM. ACAD. I.g. Petrovskii]. -Bryansk, 2012. -23 with ... - .
1. the territory of the (collection). 2. People (collection). 3. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 4. the universal history (the relevant period). 5. Native history.
BBC 63.3 (2) 522-68ja031
BBC 76,003 ja031
Source: electronic copy of Bryansk. Site
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