That it is desirable to Russian history

Mukhanov, Pavel Aleksandrovich (1797-1871).
That it is desirable for the Russian history: 1:00-article "Desiderata", published in the anthology Mukhanov; 2:00-additions to this article/[Pv. Mukhanov]. -St. Petersburg: typography e. Praca, 1870. -XII, 150 s.; 24 cm. -
The author is listed at the end of the preface.
A portion of text in foreign languages.
An instance of the Spsu library of e. e. Zamyslovskogo.
1. Imperial archeographical Commission (St. Petersburg, City). 2. People (collection). 3. Archeographical Commission (collection). 4. Source study-Russia-19-20 centuries. 5. The historiography-Russia-19 in. ..
BBC 63.1 (2) 52
BBC 63,211
BBC 63,212
Electronic copy source: BOP
The original storage location: Spbsu
Publisher типография Э. Праца
Catalogue object