Regulation of labor migration processes of the population from Central Asian countries and Kazakhstan

Vyshkurov, Alina BorisovnaRegulation of the processes of labor migration of the population from Central Asian countries in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan: the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of a candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Vyshkurov Alina Borisovna;[Acad.Labor and Social.relationship].- Moscow, 2011. -26 p.: IL.;21 cm .. -Bibliogr.: With.25-26 (7 Names.)..-100 cop..1. Territory (collection).2. Economics and management of national economy by industry and areas of activity.BBK 65.248.7Я031BBK 65.240.7Я031Electronic copy source: Atiso.Website
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